UFO MUNDI - TIMELINE (linha do tempo) 1857 - 2023
Linha do tempo mais completa até agora sobre UFOLOGIA GERAL. Aberto à pesquisa , consulta e para estudo tanto científico quanto espiritual. As informações estarão de acordo com o ano do ocorrido ou quando veio à tona. ATENÇÃO: apesar de alguns casos serem durante guerras entre nações e de diferentes regimes políticos, este blog NÃO tem relação alguma com regimes de governo ou político. Dois assuntos que impedem a humanidade evoluir em direção à paz, equilíbrio e Fraternidade Cósmica.
quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2021
domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2021
sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2021
1982 projeto 8200 underground bases
O Projeto 8200 foi um esforço de visão remota conduzido em 1982 e 1983
Russia is always a place to great number of mysteries!!
Military Divers in Siberia's Lake Baikal, the world's deepest lake, encountered "a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits"
The story started thousands of years ago-
In 1930s, Ilya Grabovsky, a Russian researcher of the paranormal was exploring strange happenings around Lake Issik Kul, a deep body of water located in the Northern Tian Shan Mountains. "Issik Kul" means “Warm Lake”, a the lake never freezes, despite being surrounded by icy mountains.
Grabovsky had heard legends about hidden caves in the area so he contacted a local who had inadvertently stumbled into one. He told Grabovsky that he and his friends were fishing on the lake's northwestern shore when they saw a cave. It was inaccessible so they resolved to return the next day with ropes, torches and pickaxes.
The following day, the men began exploring the cave and made a startling discovery inside its innermost sector. They discovered three human skeletons, each one measuring more than ten feet tall. Around their necks, each skeleton had a silver amulet in the shape of what the men described as "bats".
Galvanized by the fisherman's admission, Grabovsky decided to dig deeper into the mystery. Rummaging through local archives, he stumbled upon the earliest mention of similarly-gigantic creatures, dating back to the mid 1800’s.
A group of Georgian boys ( Georgia was part of the Russian Empire) were diving for mussels in Lake Issik Kul when they happened upon the underwater entrance to a cave inside the nearby mountain.
Despite his best efforts, Grabovsky never found this cave. Or maybe he did but kept silent. Either way, the official version is that he died without sharing the results of his work with the rest of the world.
But this isn’t the end of the story... It was just the Beginning of the story!!!!-----
In the 1980’s, Lake Issik Kul became the place for Soviet testing of torpedoes, underwater missiles and military diving equipment. It was also one of the places where the Soviet military conducted periodic training of the recon divers known as "frogmen." Another location was the already infamous Lake Baikal.
In 1982, during a frogmen training exercise in Lake Baikal, the divers encountered a group of strange underwater swimmers. The aquatic humanoids were enormous (more than ten feet tall) and, despite swimming in frigid waters, they wore nothing but tight-fitting silver suits.
Galvanized by the fisherman's admission, Grabovsky decided to dig deeper into the mystery. Rummaging through local archives, he stumbled upon the earliest mention of similarly-gigantic creatures, dating back to the mid 1800’s.
A group of Georgian boys ( Georgia was part of the Russian Empire) were diving for mussels in Lake Issik Kul when they happened upon the underwater entrance to a cave inside the nearby mountain.
Despite his best efforts, Grabovsky never found this cave. Or maybe he did but kept silent. Either way, the official version is that he died without sharing the results of his work with the rest of the world.
But this isn’t the end of the story... It was just the Beginning of the story!!!!-----
In the 1980’s, Lake Issik Kul became the place for Soviet testing of torpedoes, underwater missiles and military diving equipment. It was also one of the places where the Soviet military conducted periodic training of the recon divers known as "frogmen." Another location was the already infamous Lake Baikal.
In 1982, during a frogmen training exercise in Lake Baikal, the divers encountered a group of strange underwater swimmers. The aquatic humanoids were enormous (more than ten feet tall) and, despite swimming in frigid waters, they wore nothing but tight-fitting silver suits.
Although the beings were spotted at a depth of over 150 feet, these silvery suits didn't look like anything the Soviets were using. They only had sphere like helmets concealing their heads.
Irkutsk fishermen mentioned that Soviet divers were being thrown out of the water at heights between 30-50 feet above the waters surface. With the decompression this led to many of the Soviets contracting aeroembolism (caisson disease) also known as "The bends".
This encounter determined the Soviet military leaders to attempt an expedition to catch one or all of the underwater humanoids and a group of seven frogmen was assembled and dispatched to the area.
Former Afghan War veteran and author Mark Shteynberg, who has extensively researched this case, remembered the case and he said like this-
“As the frogmen tried to cover the creature with a net, the entire team was propelled out of the deep waters to the surface by a powerful force. Because autonomous equipment of the frogmen does not allow surfacing from such depths without strict adherence to the process of decompression stops, all of the members of the ill-fated expedition were stricken by aeroembolism, or the Caisson disease. The only remedial treatment available consisted of an immediate confinement under decompression conditions in a pressure chamber.
They had several such pressure chambers in the military region, but only one in working condition. It could contain no more than two persons.Those local commanders had forced four frogmen into the chamber. As a result, three of them (including the CO of the group) perished, and the rest became invalids.”
Not long after that, the Engineer Forces of the Ministry of Defense issued a bulletin addressed to the staff headquarters of the Turkmenistan military region. The bulletin noted many other lakes where similar aquatic humanoid sightings had been reported, alongside the usual flying disks and spheres ascending from and diving into the deep.
The admissions of retired high-ranking military officials, such as Col. Vladimir Azhazha seem to suggest that there is something lurking in the unexplored depths of our planet.
sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2021
Contato com seres angelicais abril de 1980
Location: Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States On the morning of August 9, 1980, several security guards at the Manzano Weapons Storage Area, adjacent to Kirtland AFB, saw a bright light descend in (a) restricted area. A fourth guard observed a disk shaped light in the vicinity of a bunker used to store nuclear weapons.
quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2021
May 16, 1979,
On May 16, 1979, Arlindo Gabriel dos Santos witnessed the landing of three UFOs and the huge manned spacecraft in Baependi, Brazil. It was considered the most impressive UFO encounter in the history of UFO sightings in Brazil.
On his run, he was stopped by some kind of light beam from the alien ship and saw two aliens coming out of it. They wore identical clothes and transparent helmets. The aliens were about 1.5 meters high but looked very strong. They had big eyes, short standing hair, wide but flat noses, round faces, thin lips and small ears.
Santos began screaming and begging them to let him go, but the aliens tried to calm him down and told him that they were not going to harm him.
After that, the aliens took Santos to their ship where he saw a blonde woman with no neck and telephone receivers on her ears. He also met some other aliens, and they were very similar to humans.
Aliens gave him some information about the Sun, Moon, Earth, and the alien civilization on the TV-like screen. Santons spent about 2 hours on the alien ship and after that, he returned to his home suffering from severe nausea and dizziness.
UFO investigator Ubirajara Rodrigues was leading the case of Santos. When he asked about the camera that Santos had used to take UFO photos, it turned out the camera was burnt.
Anyway, Santos had a video recording, and he gave the copy to Rodrigues. After analyzing the video, he and another UFO research group went to search the area where Santos had seen UFOs.
When the first UFO, which was cylindrical in shape arrived, Santos managed to take photos of the object. But when the other two UFOs landed near the first one, he got frightened and tried to escape from the landing place.
Rodrigues found Santos’ bag which he had lost during the incident. The bag was chewed by some animal and also had some strange printing like hieroglyphics which had not been there before. Those hieroglyphics were never decoded.
According to Santos, the bigger UFO was about 10 to 12 m in diameter and 8 m high, in addition to an unusual spike that increased it by another five meters.
click on the picture
The Cecconi UFO Incident
18th June 1979
September 19th 1979
Dec Zanfretta's Aliens
n 1978, a private security guard was destined to have one of the most bizarre, and outright terrifying, encounters with extra-terrestrial beings ever recorded.
SightingsOn the frigid, moonless night of December 6th, 1978, a 26 year-old night watchman, husband and father of two named Pier Zanfretta was on a routine patrol in the village of Torriglia, when he stumbled into a horrifying encounter with creatures that would forever change his life.In later interviews, Zanfretta would include more explicit descriptions of these ostensibly interstellar beasts including such features as hairy, greenish skin, points on the sides of their faces, rounded fingertips, monstrous, yellow triangular eyes and red veins across the forehead. Based on this depiction, these life-forms may be akin to what some believe are a particularly nasty breed of E.T. known in ufological circles as reptoids. Zanfretta also described a unique mechanical apparatus that fit over their mouths, which enabled them to breath in Earth’s oxygen rich atmosphere. Later, while under hypnosis, he recalled asking these creatures about the odd device: “Why don’t you have a mouth? You get only those irons with a net, which give out light.” Zanfretta was so stunned by the sight before him that he immediately dropped his flashlight, but — in what was no doubt an adrenaline fueled burst of self-control — he managed to hastily snatched it up and sprint away from this bizarre brute. As he approached his car, Zanfretta would testify that a brilliant light began to loom up behind him.According to Zanfretta’s report, he was negotiating the dangerously icy roads in his patrol car, en route to the currently unoccupied country home of a client, Dr. Ettore Righi, when the engine, radio and lights of his vehicle all simultaneously, and inexplicably, died. It was at that moment that Zanfretta claimed to have seen four lights moving around in the garden of the Righi house. Assuming that the strange beams were emanating from the flashlights of would-be thieves, Zanfretta quietly climbed out of his car with his revolver and flashlight at the ready. The security guard — courageously committed to protecting his client’s home — silently slipped through the open gate and crept along a rock wall in an effort to get the jump on what he still assumed were ordinary burglars… it was then that he got the shock of his life. Just as he was preparing to leap out to confront these trespassers, Zanfretta felt something touch his shoulder from behind. He spun around, revolver in hand, but instead of finding an average human criminal illuminated by his flashlight’s harsh glare, he saw an entity that he described as being: “An enormous green, ugly and frightful creature, with undulating skin… as though he were very fat or dressed in a loose, gray tunic… no less than 10-feet tall.”Due to the treacherous conditions, the second patrol did not reach the site until approximately one hour later. It was at about 1:15 in the morning when the two night watchmen, Walter Lauria and Raimondo Mascia, discovered Zanfretta lying prone on the frozen ground in front of the Righi house. When Zanfretta saw the approaching guards, he leapt to his feet, eyes bulging with fear, pistol and flashlight both aimed at his comrades. Lauria and Mascia both attested that the usually timid and lucid family man was irrational and did not appear to recognize them, nor did he seem comprehend their urgent requests for him to lower his weapon. The guards, fearing for their own welfare, rushed Zanfretta and fortunately managed to disarm him before there were any unintentional casualties. The pair later testified that they were shocked to discover how warm his clothes were, despite the fact that he had apparently been laying on frozen ground for the last hour.He looked over his shoulder to see a massive, triangular shape, which blinded him with its luminosity. Zanfretta shielded his eyes with his arm and stared in awe as this gigantic UFO — which he claimed eclipsed even the house in its immensity — ascended with a “hiss” from behind the Righi residence. It was at this point that Zanfretta claimed to have been blasted with a searing wave of heat. Struggling, the guard finally made it back to his car where he proceeded to contact his security company’s center of operations in nearby Genoa. It was at precisely 12:15 am. when Carlo Toccalino — the security company’s radio operator — testified that Zanfretta was speaking in an confused and agitated fashion. Toccalino claimed that what little he could discern of Zanfretta’s incoherent babbling consisted of descriptions of bizarre, inhuman beings. When Toccalino asked his comrade to describe who was assaulting him, Zanfretta’s shocking response was: “No, they aren’t men, they aren’t men… my God, are they ugly!” At that point, the communications were abruptly broken off and Toccalino called the chief of the security service, Lt. Giovanni Cassiba. Cassiba — certainly concerned with both the welfare of his man and his client’s property — sent another patrol out to check on Zanfretta without delay.This event was so disturbing that the Italian military police — the Carabinieri — were immediately dispatched to the area in order to investigate. The very same night they found two distinct marks in the frost smothered grass behind the country home. These immense imprints — which some have speculated may have been created by the triangular UFO’s landing gear — were measured to be 9-feet in diameter and were shaped like horseshoes. The commandant of the Torriglia station, Antonio Nucchi — who had known Zanfretta for many years — stated unequivocally that he believed in the veracity of the guard’s frankly extraordinary testimony. When asked his opinion of the mental stability of this professional sentry, Nucchi answered: “I can state with certainty that he is a clear thinking man with no strange fantasies in his head. When we went to investigate the scene the next day, he almost didn’t want to come, he was so scared. Only something exceptional could have frightened him so.”
During the investigation Nucchi revealed that no less than 52 Torriglia citizens had reported spying a bright, glaring illumination emanating from the direction of the Righi house at exactly the same time Zanfretta testified to watching the triangular UFO rise up into the atmosphere. The story might well have ended there were it not for frenzy that soon descended on the village of Torriglia in the form of a scoop hungry press who had gotten wind of this extraordinary tale of UFOs, gargantuan alien visitors and a petrified security guard. Not surprisingly, the reactions that most of the television and newspaper reporters had to this story ranged from polite skepticism to outright ridicule of Zanfretta and his mental state. Some even went so far as to flat out assert he was lying about the whole thing. This incredulous attitude was shared by almost all of the journalists, with the sole exception of a reporter named Rino Di Stefano, who was working for the local Genoa daily paper “Il Corriere Mercantile.”
On December 23rd, 1978, the harried Zanfretta – with the encouragement of Di Stefano — agreed to undergo hypnosis in order to shed light on what really happened on the fateful night of December 6th. The session was held in Genoa and presided over by Dr. Mauro Moretti, a psychotherapist and member of the Italian Association of Medical Hypnosis. During the session, Zanfretta confirmed that not only had he actually seen beings from another world, but that these colossal fiends had actually abducted him. He further claimed, under hypnosis, that these terrifying apparitions had transported him into a hot, luminous location where they thoroughly examined and interrogated him. According to Zanfretta, these the creatures did not speak Italian, but used a strange “luminous device” to translate what they were saying. During the same session, Zanfretta also indicated that the creatures came from the planet “Teetonia,” which was located in the “third galaxy” and that — perhaps most disturbingly — “they want to talk with us and that they will soon return in larger numbers.” It should be noted that “soon” could be a relative concept from species hailing from another world.Di Stefano was intrigued by the Zanfretta case and wrote several articles on the subject. Unlike most of his peers, Di Stefano could not rationalize why a husband and father, who was engaged in a respected profession, would jeopardize both his career and his reputation in the community by making up a story as patently ludicrous as this. So he took it upon himself to contact Zanfretta in order to get to the bottom of this mystery. What seemed to confirm Di Stefano’s belief in Zanfretta’s sincerity – above and beyond the additional 52 eyewitnesses who claimed to have also seen a bizarre light in the area — was what he attested to be the man’s disdain for the dubious fame and local recognition he was now being bombarded with: “Zanfretta didn’t want to be famous. He refused the notoriety, because he was worried about his job and his family.” Zanfretta even admitted to Di Stefano that the crank calls he was steadily receiving were beginning to take their toll: “People call me on the phone at all hours just to play jokes on me. I don’t know what it was that I saw, but I saw it. I am not a liar… if I could have, I wouldn’t have reported my experiences, now that I see the consequences.”
Sadly for Zanfretta, the horrific abductions did not stop here. At 11:45 pm., on the foggy, rain soaked eve of December, 26th — just three nights after his first hypnosis session — Zanfretta claimed to have been snatched yet again. The guard stated that he was driving his patrol car through the Bargagli tunnel, near the Scoffera Pass, when he suddenly he lost control of the vehicle. The panic stricken guard immediately radioed in and reported that his car was now driving of its own accord and had emerged from the tunnel. The horrified Zanfretta desperately tried to engage the brakes and the steering wheel to no avail as the Fiat continued to barrel through the drizzly fog bank up a steep incline. After traveling in the presumably remote controlled automobile for approximately a mile, the Fiat finally come to a bone jarring halt. Zanfretta was thrust forward by the momentum and smashed his head against the steering wheel. It was then that his car was bathed in a white-hot light.
At this point the security company radio operator claimed that Zanfretta called in, speaking in what he described as a “very controlled voice,” stating that: “The car has stopped. I saw a bright light. Now I am getting out.” Much like the first incident, Zanfretta and his vehicle were discovered at 1:10 am. by another pair of security guards. The first man to spot Zanfretta was Sergeant Emanuele Travenzoli. Travenzoli stated that he found Zanfretta in a field near the road and, despite the continuing downpour his clothes were warm and dry. Travenzoli also claimed that Zanfretta was in a state of shock; quivering and weeping. This time the men on the scene were disturbed to hear their companion declare: “They say I must leave with them. What about my children? I don’t want to… I don’t want to.” Once again the Carabinieri were called in. After they arrived on the scene, the military officers found, much to their befuddlement, that even though the Fiat had been exposed to the cold downpour for an extended period of time, the roof of the car was as hot as one that had been baking in the scorching sun. Equally inexplicably, the officers revealed that the auto’s interior was as “hot as an oven.”
The Carabinieri also informed the Italian Department of Interior and other military commands of the incident by two telexes sent respectively on December 8th and 28th of 1978. The Carabinieri defined the degree of reliability that these bizarre events actually occurred as: “good.” This concern on the part of the Carabinieri night not seem so far fetched when one considers the fact that in December of 1978, there were so many UFO sighting across Italy that Falco Accame — a former member of the Italian Parliament — asked both Italy’s Premier, Giulio Andreotti, and Minister of Defense, Attilio Ruffini, to inform the Italian Congress about their opinion concerning the nature of the recent UFO sightings and what threats they may pose to the citizens of Italy. Following his second encounter with the unknown, Zanfretta became somewhat of a reluctant celebrity.As if that weren’t bizarre enough, the military police also discovered that the Fiat was surrounded by inexplicably large boot prints measuring 20-inches long, by 8-inches wide. These odd, bigfoot-like prints had a distinctive bare spot between the sole and the heel. This remains one of the most intriguing traces of physical evidence ever to have been left at the scene of an alleged alien abduction. The Carabinieri then came across Zanfretta’s revolver — a Smith & Wesson 38 Special — which had been fired five times. Amazingly, the still scared guard could not recall at whom or what he had fired the weapon. Needless to say — due to the unexplained firing of bullets as well as the public furor surrounding these abductions — the military police’s probe into these unlikely events required a full report. On January 3, 1979, all data in the case was collected by commandant Nucchi in a file labeled the “Report on the Sighting of Unidentified Flying Objects by Fortunato Zanfretta.” This file was forwarded to the magistrates court in Genoa with an inquiry as to what action should be taken. Finally, after the buck had been passed numerous times, the report was delivered to Magistrate Russo who, a year later on January 11, 1980, certified that it could be filed away with the declaration of: “No crime committed.”
His employers — concerned about all the publicity as well as the mental health of their armed employee — asked prominent neurologist, Dr. Giorgio Gianniotti, to examine Zanfretta. His diagnosis was: “The man is in a state of shock, but he is perfectly sane." Dr. Gianniotti’s conclusions helped to improve the credibility of this once unknown working class man, but the naysayers were starting to make life a living hell for Zanfretta and his family. It was then that Zanfretta agreed to undergo hypnosis under the supervision of Dr. Moretti yet again, and this time he consented to allow it to be televised in an effort to prove he was not insane.
During this interview, Zanfretta recalled being stripped and forced by the abductors to wear a strange helmet, which enabled him to understand their language, but caused him tremendous pain. He also remembered one of the aliens taking his gun and firing the bullets into a “panel,” in what one can only assume was an effort to see if human weapons had the capability of harming them. Zanfretta then expressed fear over the fact that he may be required to leave his home and family behind: “I know that you need me, but I don’t want to. I like to be alone. I have two children. I feel good this way… and after all you are not human beings. You are horrible.” Hundreds of thousands of viewers watched this extraordinary interview, but instead of clearing his name it only further exacerbated the skepticism of his critics and elevated his cult celebrity to a global level. Eventually, as is often the case in unexplained events, the furor died down… that was until Zanfretta was abducted a third time.
On the night of July 30th, 1979, Zanfretta was on a motorcycle patrol in the residential area of Quarto in Genoa — far from the lonely peaks of Torriglia — when he vanished once more. Again his fellow guards were the first on the scene. They managed to find him following a two hour search on the summit of nearby Mount Fasce. It should be noted that local eyewitnesses claimed that they had not seen the young guard or his motorcycle travel up the single road that led to the top of the mountain. This time a hypnotic regression was conducted at International Center of Medical and Psychological Hypnosis in Milan where, on his own request, Zanfretta was injected with sodium penathol by Prof. Marco Marchesan. While under the “truth serum’s” effects, Zanfretta claimed that he was lifted from the ground into to the alien spaceship by a mysterious green light.
Following the procedure, Professor Marchesan confirmed that: “No human being can knowingly lie while he is under Pentothal treatment, so I think it’s very probable Zanfretta had these encounters.” Still, for poor Zanfretta — and an even more unfortunate co-worker — the worst was yet to come. At about 10:30 pm. on Sunday, December 2nd, 1979, Zanfretta disappeared for the fourth time while driving an Austin Mini in the suburbs of Genoa. This time, however, the 26 year-old would not be the only one to have a brush with the inexplicable.While driving in the hills of Genoa searching for their missing cohort, four patrol guards claimed to have clearly seen a very strange, cloud-like object floating above them. Suddenly, two beams of light seemed emanate from within the large “cloud,” illuminating the patrol cars below. The vehicles’ engines concurrently stopped dead and the frightened, yet curious, guards got out of their patrol cards to get a better look at this UFO.
Apparently the Chief, Lt. Cassiba, became so frightened by the sight before them that fired his pistol at the unknown object. It was then that the ethereal lights were extinguished and the UFO slipped away. Sadly, Lt. Cassiba’s frightened reaction would not be the most tragic result of this unusual eyewitness event. One of those guards, Germano Zanardi, was so traumatized by the implications of what they had seen that it was said he never fully recovered his mental stability. A few months following this encounter he ended his life with a self inflicted gunshot to the head.
Zanfretta swore that the sound of the outlandish individual’s voice physically compelled him to obey the request that would come next. Apparently the voice — which may or may not have been telepathic as is often the case in Grinning Man scenarios — ordered him to drive his vehicle into a small cloud that was hovering just above the ground. Zanfretta did as he was instructed and claims that he and his patrol car were levitated within the cloud and deposited onto a huge spacecraft. Onboard the ship the guard was allowed to explore with the company of the oversized aliens. Within the colossal craft, Zanfretta claimed to have seen large, transparent cylinders filled with a weird blue liquid. One of the cylinders was said to have contained a “frog-shaped” body, which the aliens explained was: “An enemy of ours from another planet.” In two other cylinders, Zanfretta observed a large bird-like creature and another humanoid figure that he described as looking like a “caveman.”Just when it seemed as if it were impossible, this case took an even weirder turn, when on Monday December 3rd of the same year, at approximately 9:30 pm., Zanfretta got out of his patrol car at a self-service gasoline station near downtown Genoa. Zanfretta claimed that he heard someone calling out to him from the shadows outside the station. He described entity that was speaking to him as a tall, humanoid figure with a bald, “egg-shaped” head, who was dressed in a checkered suit that included a chest plate made of “steel” where the shirt should have been.
Around this time these mystifying beings attempted to give Zanfretta a transparent sphere with what appeared to be an electrically charged pyramid inside. The aliens claimed that utilizing the sphere would enable human beings to comprehend who they were and how they live. Zanfretta tried to refuse the gift, stating that : “had enough of all these strange encounters and wished only go back to his normal life.” Nevertheless, the creatures insisted he accept it, informing him that he was to give the sphere to a man of whose name he had never heard before, noted American scientist and UFO researcher Dr. J Allen Hynek. Zanfretta — for reason only clear to him — claims that instead of giving this prize to the now deceased Hynek, he hid the object somewhere in the hills near Genoa. Zanfretta disappeared again on February 14th 1980, after which he was found by his colleagues in a state of shock and suffering from mild hypothermia. A villager living nearby stated that mere minutes before the rescuers arrived, he spied a huge, radiant mass in the sky.
During the next hypnosis session, doctor Moretti found Zanfretta to be uncharacteristically uncooperative. While hypnotized, he claimed he was contacting the aliens and began to speak an odd, unknown language. His voice became guttural and he uttered cryptic phrases like: “Question with negative answer, tixel… you can’t work out anything in a case like this. To believe or not to believe doesn’t mean anything: each thing in its own time.” Against all odds, Zanfretta managed to vanish yet again on August 13, 1980. But this time, he was under close observation and was found before the aliens – or a Grinning Man for that matter — could contact him. This was the end of his ordeal… at least until recently, when the now long retired security guard claimed the extra-terrestrials reinitiated contact. To what end remains to be seen. In 1984, Rino di Stefano wrote a book about these enigmatic events entitled: “The Zanfretta Case,” which details the harrowing events that took place between 1978 and 1980. That same year, the Italian state national broadcasting network, Rai Tv, made a two part docu-drama based on the book. While there can be little doubt that the purported series of events that took place near Torriglia, Italy borders on the absurd, one cannot dismiss the fact that there were over 60 additional witnesses to this strange aerial phenomenon and at least one poor soul who lost his life because of it.
To this day the perplexing case of Pier Fortunato Zanfretta remains the most famous account of an alien abduction ever to hail from Italy. But as frightening as this case is, an excerpt from one of night watchmen’s hypnotic recollections – in the form of a warning he seemed to be giving to the aliens — might paint a more optimistic picture of the intentions of these visitors: “I know you are trying to come more frequently… no, you can’t come to Earth, people get scared if they look at you. You can’t make friendship.” Perhaps now, a decade into the 21st Century, we might be ready to welcome these intergalactic travelers… let’s hope they treat technologically inferior people better than the human race usually does.
The Zanfretta Aliens share a slight resemblance to the three horned Ancient Ones in the cave paintings of Tassili.
The frog creature could have some relation to the Loveland Frogmen.
The description of tall, telepathic aliens with a grey epidermis — who also have a penchant for prophesying a dark future for humanity if it continues its current trends — are uncannily similar to creatures described in John Hodges' account of the Giant Space Brains of Palos Verdes
The Pier Fortunato Zanfretta's hypnosis made by Dr. Mauro Moretti on Jan 7, 1979 nglish subtitles)Flashlight.jpg
Zanfretta morphy-300x295.jpg
25 de abril
The Petrozavodsk phenomenon was a series of celestial events of a disputed nature that occurred on 20 September 1977. The sightings were reported over a vast territory, from Copenhagen and Helsinki in the west to Vladivostok in the east.[1] It is named after the city of Petrozavodsk in Russia, Soviet Union, where a glowing object was widely reported that showered the city with numerous rays.
Government officials from northern European countries sent letters to Anatoly Aleksandrov, president of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, expressing concern about whether the observed phenomenon was caused by Soviet weapons testing and whether it constituted a threat to the region's environment.[2] Since 1977,[3] the phenomenon has been often, though not universally, attributed to the launch of the Soviet satellite Kosmos-955. In the same year, a preliminary report for the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was made, containing a large body of visual observations, radiolocation reports, physical measurements, and accompanying meteorological data. It concluded that "based on the available data, it is unfeasible to satisfactorily understand the observed phenomenon".[4] The Petrozavodsk phenomenon contributed to the creation of Setka AN, a Soviet research program for anomalous atmospheric phenomena.[5]
14 NOV 1977
operação Prato
NOV 26
This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you.
This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.
Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all.
You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution. Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy from you – the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return.
Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies.
You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth.
We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the plane of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.
Esta é a voz de Vrillon, um representante do Comando Galáctico Ashtar, falando com você. Por muitos anos, você nos viu como luzes nos céus. Nós falamos com vocês agora em paz e sabedoria como temos feito com seus irmãos e irmãs em todo este planeta Terra. Viemos alertá-lo sobre o destino de sua raça e de seu mundo, para que possa comunicar a seus semelhantes o curso que deve seguir para evitar o desastre que ameaça seu mundo e os seres em nossos mundos ao seu redor.
Isso é para que você possa participar do grande despertar, à medida que o planeta passa para a Nova Era de Aquário. A Nova Era pode ser uma época de grande paz e evolução para sua raça, mas somente se seus governantes forem informados das forças do mal que podem ofuscar seus julgamentos.
Fique quieto agora e ouça, pois sua chance pode não voltar. Todas as suas armas do mal devem ser removidas. O tempo para o conflito já passou e a raça da qual você faz parte pode prosseguir para os estágios superiores de sua evolução, se você se mostrar digno de fazer isso. Vocês têm pouco tempo para aprender a viver juntos em paz e boa vontade. Pequenos grupos em todo o planeta estão aprendendo isso e existem para passar a luz do amanhecer da Nova Era para todos vocês.
Você é livre para aceitar ou rejeitar seus ensinamentos, mas apenas aqueles que aprenderem a viver em paz passarão para os reinos mais elevados da evolução espiritual. Ouça agora a voz de Vrillon, um representante do Comando Galáctico Ashtar, falando com você. Esteja ciente também de que existem muitos falsos profetas e guias operando em seu mundo. Eles sugarão sua energia - a energia que você chama de dinheiro e a colocarão em fins malignos, dando-lhe impurezas inúteis em troca.
Seu eu divino interior irá protegê-lo disso. Você deve aprender a ser sensível à voz interior que pode lhe dizer o que é verdade e o que é confusão, caos e mentira. Aprendam a ouvir a voz da verdade que está dentro de vocês e vocês se conduzirão ao caminho da evolução. Esta é a nossa mensagem para nossos queridos amigos. Nós os observamos crescendo por muitos anos, assim como vocês também observaram nossas luzes em seus céus.
Você sabe agora que estamos aqui e que há mais seres na Terra e ao redor dela do que seus cientistas admitem. Estamos profundamente preocupados com você e seu caminho em direção à luz e faremos tudo o que pudermos para ajudá-lo. Não tenha medo, busque apenas conhecer a si mesmo e viver em harmonia com os costumes de seu planeta Terra.
Nós do Comando Galáctico Ashtar agradecemos sua atenção. Agora estamos deixando o plano de sua existência. Que você seja abençoado pelo amor e verdade supremos do cosmos.
cold war
quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021
O dia 4 de janeiro de 1975 corria como todos os outros, sem nenhuma novidade, no bairro Santo Antônio, em São Luís do Maranhão. Por ali, ainda não havia luz elétrica e as noites eram bastante escuras. Foi no breu de uma daquelas noites que um objeto voador, brilhante como uma brasa, no formato de dois pratos sobrepostos, frente a frente, e do tamanho de uma lua cheia, aproximou-se da casa do vigia Ângelo Alves Ferreira e da lavadeira Terezinha de Andrade Ferreira, pais de sete filhos. O fenômeno repetiu-se mais três vezes, nos dias subseqüentes, sem que ninguém tivesse a mínima idéia do que fosse, muito menos a polícia do bairro, que logo se declarou incompetente para desvendar o mistério, da mesma forma que a Aeronáutica.
Próximo do solo, o objeto era prateado e balançava como uma folha de papel solta no ar. Tinha duas janelinhas e era pouco maior do que uma Kombi. Dentro, trazia dois sujeitos estranhos, medindo cerca de 1,20 m de altura. Na terceira visita dos misteriosos homens da nave, um dos filhos do casal, Antônio Alves Ferreira, aos 14 anos, maranhense de Araioses, semi-analfabeto, viu luzes acendendo e apagando, e deixando um rastro de fogo quando sumia. Eram 9h e Antônio estava no fundo de sua casa, sem ouvir nada de estranho. A nave surgiu de repente e Antônio se sentiu paralisado. Teve medo, chorou e tentou gritar, mas o grito não saía. Então escutou um barulho de vidro se quebrando. Instantes depois, uma porta se abriu no estranho objeto. Uma passarela se estendeu e ele pôde ver que, lá dentro, luzes piscavam e uma lâmpada fosforescente acendia rapidamente, para depois evanescer, aos poucos.
Dominado, Antônio foi levado para dentro da nave por dois homens – Riaus e Telione. Eles tocaram nos seus ombros, e o maranhense sentiu-se um ser de imponderável leveza. Foi então carregado e deixado sentado no piso interior do disco voador – caso estivesse em pé, bateria a cabeça no teto. Antônio voltou a ouvir o barulho de vidro se estilhaçando. Entre zumbidos, semelhantes ao som de estática de rádio, e luzes coloridas piscando, ele mordia a língua e se beliscava, conferindo se estava sonhando. Ao seu lado, Telione, sujeitinho moreno, usando um macacão verde, capacete azul e botas marrons, cruzava os braços, encarando-o. Riaus, sentado em um banquinho, comandava a nave.
Quando Antônio indagou sobre seu destino, os dois homenzinhos, de olhos pretos, bem rasgados, se entreolharam, esboçaram o que ele intuiu ser um sorriso e nada responderam. Cerca de 20 minutos depois, ele tinha a sensação de pousar em algum lugar. Foi quando o comandante Riaus disse: "Bem-vindo ao planeta Protu, da galáxia Kresbi, do sistema solar Erbiti. Estamos a 375 mil anos-luz da Terra".
Missão pacífica Antônio, católico não-praticante e nada tem de paranormal, foi avisado que Protu estava preocupado com a evolução mental dos terráqueos – assustadora, pela sua violência. Ele viu uma cidade cercada por montes e com o céu repleto de discos voadores circulando. "Os prédios eram de um material que parecia acrílico e as crianças, do tamanho de uma garrafa de refrigerante, dessas de dois litros. As mulheres tinham seios pequenos e todos agitavam bandeirinhas triangulares, azuis e vermelhas, como se esperassem por alguém. Todos grunhiam", descreve.
Sem camisa e descalço, como no momento do rapto, Antônio seguiu para um prédio onde uma cúpula se destacava. Ali, conheceu o líder Krolis, que ocupava uma poltrona alta e larga e mantinha os pés balançando. Ventava e fazia frio. Krolis começou a interrogá-lo, mas Antônio não o entendia. Estava mais curioso com uma pequena caixa cinzenta, onde diversas criaturinhas entrava e desapareciam. "Era teletransporte para outras cidades ou ruas", revela o viajante espacial.
De repente, Antônio passou a ter a sensação de receber perguntas traduzidas em seu cérebro. Naquele clima frio, ele se sentia sem fôlego, algo que Krolis resolveu batendo no lado direito do seu peito. Ele conta mais: "Depois de me indagar sobre combustíveis, alimentação, lideranças espirituais, formas de governos e outras coisas, o líder ordenou a minha volta à Terra". E foi assim que uma grande amizade surgiu entre o maranhense e os pacíficos seres vindos de outro mundo.
Ponte aérea para ProtuSegundo o Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisa de Disco Voadores, oito milhões de objetos não-identificados já foram vistos em 180 países, com mais de dois milhões de contatos estabelecidos. No Brasil, não há um número oficial de contatos e de abduções. Mesmo tendo participado de muitos conclaves extraterrestres, Antônio Maranhão não sabe avaliar se as visitas alienígenas são comuns no País.
De sua parte, ele visitou Protu 11 vezes, entre janeiro e fevereiro de 1975. E arrumou muitas confusões aqui na Terra. De cara, foi proibido de entrar nas igrejas católicas do Maranhão, acusado de "ter parte com o demônio". Depois, foi chamado de mentiroso, maluco e outros termos pejorativos. Pra completar, quase foi preso, por colaborar com pesquisas extraterrestres: roubou um papagaio, um cachorro e um gato para seus novos amigos examinarem, já que, em Protu, não havia animais irracionais.
Antônio não sabia que era cobaia, mas topou ceder seu sangue para os ETs examinarem. Aceitou também abrir um canal exclusivo de comunicação com Protu, em seu ouvido esquerdo, apropriado para contatos interespaciais. Agradecidos, os ETs lhe ensinaram a desenhar. "Eu só sabia fazer um risco, mais nada", assegura, também agradecido.
Da última vez que saiu deste sistema solar, Antônio não foi mais abduzido – ele viajou como convidado especial do líder Krolis. Na volta, comprometeu-se em construir um heliporto, na mata fechada de um sítio do bairro Angelim, em São Luís – missão que ele, de fato, cumpriu.
Homem de palavra, Antônio foi autorizado pelos novos amigos a proferir conferências e palestras sobre as formas de vida alienígenas – ele havia se tornado um "PHD espacial".
Nas asas de BrasíliaFugido da igreja católica no Maranhão, Antônio veio parar em Brasília, onde casou-se, teve dois filhos e se aposentou, por invalidez, provocada por um erro médico que danificou sua perna direita. Constantemente, ele é requisitado para relatar suas experiências extraterrestres por todo o País. "Já depus para as Forças Armadas e cientistas brasileiros, e até da Nasa (a agência espacial norte-americana)", informa.
Consolidada sua amizade com os ETs, Antônio desenhou suas naves e figuras, aprendeu a decodificar sua escrita e conta, em suas conferências, que Protu é um planeta cinzento, sem água e sempre nublado. A alimentação é frugal, com frutas parecendo mamão e melancia, e que se troca de função na sociedade quando se sente no fim de um ciclo. "Não há problemas de saúde. Só se perece por acidentes aeroespaciais, pois não há armas de destruição", comenta. E diz mais: "Há lazer e música recatada, quase silenciosa, parecendo sair de uma flauta. E, como inexiste dinheiro, tudo que é produzido é dividido entre a população".
Antônio revela também que o casamento em Protu dura 300 anos terrestres e que não há escolas para as crianças. "Elas recebem os ensinamentos necessários dentro de uma escala evolutiva", repassa. Por vergonha, não perguntou como seria o sexo planetário. O máximo que indagou foi sobre a reprodução. "É por parto normal, como entre nós, e encubação. Não perguntei sobre seus meios reprodutivos, também por vergonha."
De todas as experiências vividas por Antônio em outro mundo, a mais incrível, em sua opinião, foi ver-se reproduzido por um equipamento parecido com uma tela de TV. Essa espécie de imagem ou clone foi enviado a Terra, para substituí-lo em sua casa, enquanto ele continuava sua colaboração científica com os ETs. "Não dispomos dessa capacidade aqui na Terra porque um acidente sofrido pelo planeta, há milhões de anos, bloqueou tais poderes", explica, com base nos ensimentos protianos.
Se os ETs se entendem tão bem com um maranhense, por que não o fazem com o restante dos terráqueos? Antônio responde: "Por não disporem de armas destrutivas e por temerem a nossa hostilidade. Eles não se acham preparados ainda para o contato. Mas, numa futura viagem, inevitavelmente, isso vai acontecer", prevê. Que esses contatos porvir sejam tão proveitosos e interessantes, como os de Antônio.
Jornal de Brasília.