sábado, 17 de outubro de 2020

1958 UFO Nyt December 1958 - berlet

UFO Nyt December 1958 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive



  • 1959

    1966 Michigan - USE - Westall - Australia

  • 1967
  • MACH 23rd

     Australia Tully Saucer Nest 200km northwest of Townsville in northern Queensland

    Westall Australia case


    April 6 1966


    Villa contact

    19.jan-66 09:00,Algondones, NEW MEXICO, where also the silvery discs is captured at this picture, and those 3 to 6 inch spheres were mirror bright and changed color like metal goes thru when heated. "Villa was told that this ship carried 9 remotely-controlled monitoring craft which were about 14" in diameter, and were controlled from instrument panels within the mother-ship.Suppose those were like "flying antennas" as described in similar contacts.
    June 19, 1966. (Another contact.) Smaller remote-control disc from Coma Berenices, about 1 metre in diameter ; it is accompanied by small spheres which whirl round it.

    DEZ 1966



    April 18, 1965, from another contact. Another of the Paul Villa photographs.

    Photograph of Paul Villa. 

  • 1966
  • 1964


    spring summer 

    Esta fotografía fue captada por Jim Templeton un bombero británico en 1964. El escenario son los hermosos Fiordos de Solway, condado de Cumbria, delimitando Inglaterra y Escocia. 1964 et_solwayfirth'64-a

    September 4th Friday

  • 1965
  • sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2020




    16 de junho de 1963 

    Paul Villa The occupants of the UFO “permitted Villa to take photo’s of their ship which posed and hovered close to the surface between 2 and 4P.M. while he took various shots of the craft framed by the trees in the foreground. He used a Japanese-made Rokuoh-Sha camera with an f4.6, 75mm lens loaded with 120 Kodak film.”

  • 1964 *

  • 1962


  • 1963 *
  • 1961


    Eagle river, Winsconsin 11:00 AM


    exhaust pipes


    Bruno Ghibaudi, 4.24.1961 Pescara, Italy (Apr 27th)

    1962 Italian newspaper about it

  • 1962

  • quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2020






  • 1961

  • Giant Rock hosted giant UFO convention - Openminds.tv



  • 1960
  • 1946


  • 1947 **
  • 1957 DOC BRAZIL



    NOV 4TH


    O filme da TV TUPI - Rio de Janeiro - 1957
    No dia 07/11/1957 Hilton Gomes – repórter da TV TUPI junto com o cinematografista Ortiz Rubio correram para a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas – já noite – para filmarem uma luz estranha que se movimentava nas proximidades do Morro do Corcovado – próximo a imagem do Cristo Redentor. Iniciaram a filmagem e o ponto de luz central e principal deslocou-se para alguns quilômetros indo para a região da Pedra da Gávea. Da referida Lagoa é possível se ver a Pedra da Gávea e a filmagem também foi feita da luz central movendo-se acima daquela famosa montanha. O filme rodava a 1/16 de segundo e a luz estava sobre a pedra numa distância mínima e 3.000 metros – (linha reta, possivelmente até mais). Mais tarde a TV TUPI interrompeu sua programação para mostrar o filme que havia sido filmado pouco antes.
    Ao ver o filme quadro-a-quadro o resultado foi inesperado e espantoso; aparecia sempre uma bola central – mas a bola se desdobrava em duas e as duas em quatro; algumas vezes formavam "cachos de uvas" – elas pareciam proceder como se sabe que as células procedem multiplicando-se. Algumas bolas ficavam negras em fração de segundos e logo voltavam para ser de luz. 
    Clique nas imagens para ampliar.

    Observem que os discos voadores estão sempre acompanhados pelo o que Fernando Cleto chama de sondas protetoras. 
    Com apoio de um Físico foram feitos alguns tipos de cálculos sendo que o principal foi calcular as velocidades das sondas de luz que cortavam os quadros no espaço de 1/16 de segundo quando estava sobre a Pedra da Gávea numa distância mínima de 3.000 metros da câmera fotográfica. A verdade é que o filme veio mostrar que estávamos diante de algo que estava muito acima de nossa compreensão.
    Nesta ocasião Fernando Cleto defendeu a idéia de que sempre que aparecer um Disco Voador - a nave principal estará protegida por uma rede formada por pequenas, sondas em velocidades não vistas pelos nossos olhos. Só em câmara lenta como no caso do avião tucano.

    Reportagem do Jornal O Dia sob o título "Enigma Extraterrestre" em março de 1972.
    Abaixo, cópia do jornal O Dia que fala sobre o acontecimento. Clique nas imagens para ampliar.



  • discipulos de Marconi

  • 1957 *

  • JAN - FEB



    The sister of Pietermaritzburg ufologist Kitty Smith, a good friend of Elizabeth Klarer, has described seeing a UFO which buzzed over the skies at Swartberg last week.
    Doris Scott of Franklin, eastern KwaZulu-Natal, yesterday described how six friends saw the object at around 7.30 pm on April 7 in the clear night sky.

    Coincidentally, Klarer met her extraterrestrial, Akon, every year between 1954 and 1963 on or around April 7.

    “The sky was very black, with the stars standing out brightly. My brother, Tom Read, saw the light first. When I looked up, I saw the light moving very fast.”

    Scott said she had seen many satellites and jets in the night sky while lying on their lawn at home in Franklin, and did not believe that what they saw last Saturday was a satellite or jet. “I have never seen a UFO before. It would slow down tremendously then zoot off again in a straight line …

    “As soon as I saw it I wished Kitty was here. When I told her, she reminded me that our sighting was on the same date Akon had visited Elizabeth. I would so love Kitty to be proven right. She has done so many years of research.”

    But Read was more circumspect in his description of the sighting, saying that in retrospect it could all be a storm in a teacup, and they may have seen an aeroplane after all.

    “It certainly looked strange … But the bright light could have been the landing gear light.”

    Speaking to The Witness about her sister’s sighting yesterday, Kitty Smith recalled the fly-by in January 1984 that she believes Akon did for her benefit at Champagne Castle.

    Smith, who until then had never seen a UFO despite her fascination with them, said Klarer had told her to go to Champagne Castle where she had previously met Akon. Smith said she had seen a silent, blue silvery pulsating light which at first appeared behind a lit-up cloud. It then moved into view and “just came across the sky hardly moving”. It stopped over swimming pool.

    Klarer told Smith she had spoken to Akon about doing a fly-past. “She told me that I had done research all my life, but had never had a personal sighting. She said Akon said I deserved one and they had arranged it. I asked her why, and said I was not important enough for him to travel 4,2 light years to do this for me. I like to think they are together now.”

    • newsed@witness.co.za

    Return of the friendly alien?

    ACCORDING to Wikipedia, Elizabeth Klarer claimed she had received occasional telepathic messages from Akon, described as a friendly space alien, since childhood. Klarer was able to take photos of the ship from the Drakensberg on July 17, 1955.

    Klarer called Akon down and his scout ship landed on April 7, 1956. She claimed she was carried up to the mother ship in Earth orbit, and was taken in 1957 to Akon’s home planet, Meton, orbiting in the nearby star system Alpha Centauri, where she became pregnant with Akon’s child and gave birth to a son, Ayling.

    He stayed behind on Meton, while Klarer came home. Klarer published Beyond the Light Barrier in 1980, about her extraterrestrial adventures. She died in 1994 in South Africa.


  • official radarscope photos of  UFOs off Bermuda, taken on July 3rd 1954. Blue Book identified these as a battleship and six accompanying destroyers but the experienced radar operator stated that the radar returns were definitely  unidentified and unlike any ship returns he had ever seen.

  • “...a beautiful golden ship in the sunset, but brighter than the sunset... It slowly faded out, the way they do.”  Author Desmond Leslie, describing in a letter to his wife one of the magical sights he experienced in 1954, while staying at Palomar Terraces with George Adamski, his co-author of  'Flying Saucers Have Landed.'?


    flippinecc1 mês atrás


    Ruen France

    summer - fall



